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My trip to nationals... representing Miss Gay Ohio America!

Hello everyone! Now that I am home and settled from Miss Gay America, I want to reflect on my first experience competing at Miss Gay America.

I went down a few days before with Shannon Mcnew to get myself settled in so I wouldn’t be rushing around by the time registration and male interview came around. From the time I arrived in St. Louis, I knew I was around family. The first sister I saw was Dextaci sitting down in the lobby and we chatted for a bit. She is one of the kindest queens around! Shannon and I got settled in and decided to go out for dinner to celebrate MGOA and my first go around at MGA. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the rest of my team showed up from my amazing promoter Michael Bishop and my big sister Mary Nolan to my dancers! Registration was on Wednesday and it was the first time the class of 2020 came together. I saw so many girls I already knew as well as met some incredible new sisters from all over the country. Registration allowed everyone to put a face to the men who make up the class of 2020. We found out who our judges were during registration and it was hard not to fangirl over Coti, Maya and Mokha, although I already have known two of them for a while now. To think such legends were going to judge me and help shape me as an entertainer excited me!

After registration was male interview. I have been so excited for interview leading up to Nationals, it wasn’t until I sat down and looked up to see the incredible entertainers in front of me that the nerves really kicked in.

I was a little shaken after interview, because I knew I did not give my best interview. But I was still confident I let them see some of who I am as a person and let them know the type of administrator I currently am as MGOA, and will be as a future MGA.

Prelim night 1 – Gown: I felt so incredible during gown. I made corrections to my final night gown from MGOA. In my mind, the gown was going to work to get me into the TEN….. wrong! Gown was my downfall at Miss Gay America so even as beautiful as I felt, I should have gone with my initial gown option. You live and we learn. Don’t hold out for final night is the lesson I walked away from this year at Miss Gay America.

Prelim night 2- Talent: WOW! Talent is and will always be my favorite category. To have a vision and bring it to life on the national stage and place top 10 in talent is an accomplishment to me. Even with the mistakes we were able to crack the 10 in talent. I am so grateful to my dancers who donated their time to help me work towards achieving this goal of mine! You all picked me up when I was down and I wouldn’t change a thing about what we presented prelim night. Enjoy the little break because rehearsals for MGA 2021 start shortly.

On Friday, we all went to do charity work at Food Outreach, which is an organization who assists in enhancing the lives of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS. This experience was so rewarding for many reasons. I got to hear about the people they serve and the lives they touch. We got to assist in different parts of process, I was in the warehouse part working with girls to put together boxes full of supplies. While doing so, I really got to know some of the girls I haven’t had a chance to talk too much who I really enjoyed getting to know. Vega, Truly, Josalyn, Odette and Patti were all working right with me, and I feel like I connected with each of them during this experience, which I cherish friendships and memories that will last forever.

Final night was such a good experience even though I didn’t hear my name called in the top 10. I got Want to add a caption to this image? Click the Settings watch new sisters achieve their goals,

Pattaya capture the title on her first try after being impeccable all week and my big sister Deva Station enjoy her first year as a Forever Miss Gay America. I was so humbled to see my parents and my sister who drove all day Saturday to watch me final night even though they just got to see me in presentation. I truly have the world’s most supportive family and having their support when I felt defeated helped me bounce back with more of a fire to show out next year!

All in all, my first experience at Miss Gay America and getting to represent my home state of Ohio was absolutely incredible. Now it is time to focus on my reign as Miss Gay Ohio America. There are 12-confirmed prelims already with several already having dates set. Girls... let’s get you qualified for the system that has already changed my life for the better!

With Love,

Miss Gay Ohio America 2019

Courtney Kelly

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