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Welcome to my MGOA blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog where you can follow my year as your reigning Miss Gay Ohio America! This year is just getting started and I am already having such an amazing time. The night of crowning is going to be something I will remember for the rest of my life. The hard work and preparations for that weekend all paid off and it was beyond worth it! I have wanted to join the Miss Gay Ohio America legacy ever since I began this journey into the art of female illusion. Now I am part of that legacy and have gained so many amazing sisters I get to call family! With this I have a few people to thank.

I was blessed with the most incredible team to help me achieve this dream of mine! From weekly mock interviews to help me be calm in an interview setting, to watching our talent rehearsals over and over and just being there when I needed someone to ease my nerves! You guys are truly the dream team and I would not want anyone else by my side for this. My amazing dresser who went above and beyond and my dancers who worked tirelessly to help me bring my vision to life! Thank you to the class of 2019 for making this such an amazing experience. The sisterhood that surrounds this class and that weekend is something I have not witnessed in any competition before. Thank you all for your continued support after the competition and know I will always be in your corner for whatever adventure you choose to pursue.

To my new MGOA sisters, get ready for a crazy year of me asking you all to be involved with this list of events that I want to do this coming year! I look forward to getting to know each of you on a more personal level and want you all to be involved with things as much as you would like to be!

Courtney Kelly

Miss Gay Ohio America 2019

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