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Am I good enough to be excellent?

This month as I prepare as Miss Gay Ohio America to return to Miss Gay America, I remember when I began my journey. I remember when I first stepped into my first prelim to qualify for MGOA. The feedback I received would have made anyone ask themselves "Am I Good Enough?” I let it affect my competition and slowly lost a part of myself that would keep me from conquering my goals. The part I lost was my heart. I had felt worthless to the system because I allowed others to say what they wanted, and that that truly broke my spirit. So many people told no matter how pretty, talented, or polished you may be that you will never be crowned. These things made me question why I was even competing. I had 365 days between two newly crowned Miss Ohio Americas to figure it out. By the third year, I was able to conquer the demons and come out on top.

How did I do that? I asked myself why I felt the desire to be a Symbol of Excellence and what it would mean to reign. I knew that as a Symbol of Excellence that I was to show the community acceptance. You can’t just tolerate, you must embrace all forms of the community and show support.I knew I wanted to set the bar high. As Miss Ohio, I want to find the next Miss Ohio. But in finding the next Miss Ohio, you’re to teach these men what it means to reign. Reigning to me means being kind, professional, punctual, and refined. Reigning to me is standing on my two feet and understanding the difference between a leader and a follower. I used to follow others and never had the confidence to be in a room and take full administrative control. With hard work and continuous support from my Ohio America family and sisters, I was able to see my confidence. The confidence I lost and the heart that I felt was beginning to break when the family I created through America was standing tall beside me!

When are you good enough? It’s not until you can look at yourself in the mirror and accept the person who stands before you. A wise Miss Ohio once told me, “You can say your confident when people are around but what do you tell yourself when you see your reflection?" When I stood in the bathroom as I awaited my interview for Ohio America this year, I saw my reflection. I saw a strong young man who has been through so many ups and downs to help anyone see the light at the end of a tunnel. I now know going into any competition that there are haters and people who don't believe in your abilities. This Friday, as I compete for Miss Gay Mid-Atlantic America, I can confidently say I am ready. The reason being is I am excellent. I have not only proven that to others but I proved it to myself every day. Anyone can accomplish the goals they set for themselves. If you ever have fear, don’t let it defeat you. I will always share my wisdom to strengthen anyone's heart!

Stay tuned for more of Valerie's Secrets.

Miss Gay Ohio America 2018

Valerie Valentino

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