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Finding your self-worth...

In any pageantry system, owners are looking for dedication. We as contestants ask ourselves if we want to return to compete the following year. Often times, the fear of failing comes into play. In my own experience, I often considered whether or not I would return to compete for Miss Gay Ohio America. I doubted myself because I listened to other’s opinions about my performance level. The moment I heard "YOU WILL NEVER BE MGOA" made me struggle with insecurity. I never thought that a competition would bring those words out from someone. I also heard I was “too this” or “too that.” But I knew in my heart what I wanted to achieve and regardless of who was competing or what people were telling me, I knew I would persevere.

When I started preparing for yet another year at MGOA, I knew that no matter who competed or qualified, that I had to focus on myself. I asked myself, “What are your goals and how will you deliver the best performance?” In the America System, you’re judged by what you provide. They don’t compare what you produce with anyone else.

The key to success is delivering a personal interview and allowing your heart to shine through. Only you can best describe yourself. So I focused on learning who I was and put aside all the negativity. I listened to my heart and began to make changes based on what I wanted the judges to see. I learned my brand and expressed that in every category. Now when I talk to contestants, I tell them to never fear what others are doing. Focus on yourself and your opportunity to be the best entertainer and person you can be.

Dedication to a system shows others that you’re in this for the long-haul and to help the system carry on a legacy. Never doubt your ability! Simply tell yourself, “I CAN DO IT.” Confidence is key to success. In this blog, I want people to know they are special and they have the same opportunity as anyone else. I know all too well what it’s like to question your self-worth. Don’t hold yourself back! Love yourself and be your number one cheerleader! Until next month’s addition of Valerie’s Secrets…



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